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Agencies that Benefit with Carebidet Care
Does this new client acquisition scenario sound familiar?
You get a call, you send someone to do an assessment, it involves the need of toileting care, the cost quote ranges from $7,500 - $12,500 for 10 – 16 hours each day of in-home care.
The potential client typically has ‘sticker shock’ and requests to 'think' about the offer while they contact other agencies to obtain competitive quotes.
The subsequent agencies are now able to undercut your quote with either fewer hours or utilizing staff that is paid less, while attempt ingto close the deal. Possibly, the client gives you a chance to improve on your original offer.
All of the above take time and effort, and ultimately results in the patient receiving less care than needed in order to accommodate a 'target price'. If the potential client has a long-term care insurance policy (LTCIP), the amount of standard in home care will deplete the policy value quickly.
An innovative care package with ‘Carebidet Care’ will extend this value for a longer period.
Carebidet Care – Innovation and Competitive Advantage
By offering a more innovative approach, you can be immediately more aligned with market demand and create a unique advantage. CarebidetCare is the very practical application of intelligent technology complimenting human hands for senior toileting care.
Significant technologicalinnovations of the Carebidet toileting care system include the 5 different and automated functions that it performs:
- detection
- removal of waste
- washing
- drying
- ongoing moisture management
You can now offer 2 packages to match client needs. Both packages include 24/7 toileting care leveraging the Carebidet. The ‘Night’package would include 2 hours of In-Home care in the evening, with the ‘Night and Morning’ including 2 hours of In-Home care in the morning, for a total of 4 hours of In-Home care, plus a fee for the Carebidet which provides the 24/7 toileting care.
With the ‘night package’, the caregiver would help thefamily with getting the individual prepared to sleep (daily cleaning, changing clothes and placing the Carebidet onto the individual). The ‘night and morning’ package includes the ‘night package’ plus a caregiver arriving in the morning. In both cases, the Caregiver would fill the water tank and empty the waste tank of the Carebidet and run the automated cleaning and disinfecting process as required.
Growing Care Needs and Agency Hours
If the potential client is paying for In-Home care, the Carebidet Care offering provides your agency with a highly differentiated and competitive offer. The family is incentivized financially to be part of the care team, specifically when it comes to repositioning the individual being cared for every 2 hours when no caregiver from the agency is present.
Satisfied, happy clients will always ask for more In-Home agency time when needed, thus obtaining a client where the billable hours are increased over time.
Everyone deserves to maintain their independence and dignity, regardless of their unique healthcare needs. Once caregivers and the family members are quickly trained on the Carebidet, neither they nor the user will ever want to go back to providing toileting care the old-fashioned way.
The Bottom Line
Home Care Agencies: The Carebidet can be leased for as low as $386.12 per month* or rented for as low as $347.51 per month** (See Terms and Conditions Below)
Terms and Conditions: Institutions
* Actual monthly lease payment is subject to the application being approved and its terms and conditions accepted by both parties. Monthly lease payment of $386.12 is based on a 60-month term, with the Carebidet being owned by Lessee/Borrower at the end of the term.
** Actual monthly rental payment is subject to the application being approved and its terms and conditions accepted by both parties. Monthly rental fee of $347.51 is based on a 60-month term, with the Carebidet being returned at the end of the rental term to the Lessor/Lender at the end of the 60-month term.
The Carebidet is a ‘game-changer’ in this care-providing space, and it allows agencies to offer next-generation care to THIS generation.
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